A spoiler from the Hayden Kho and Bianca Araneta 'daw' video scandal. Some claims that the lady here is not Bianca Araneta but she's a Brazillian model who named Fernanda Cordeiro and just looks like Bianca Araneta.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Hayden Kho and Bianca Araneta 'daw' video scandal
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Hayden Kho and Bianca Araneta video scandal
A new Hayden Kho video scandal leaked in the internet. It is said that the lady in this scandal video is Bianca Araneta. Its for you to judge.
Download celebrity scandal of Hayden and Bianca Araneta.
Beautiful young Filipina nursing student
Sa.rah Bas.co is a nursing student who likes taking photo of herself. It is said that the photo were for her own use and for her boyfriend. But her photos were leaked on the internet. Sarah believes she was betray by her boyfriend and it was the one who spread the photo in the internet. Here are some of here photos.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Hollywood Actress Hillary Duff in bikini
Hillary Duff in her bikini at the beach. How I wish can go to a beach where every sexy hot women are like Hillary Duff.
Pussycat Dolls Nicole Scherzinger beach photos
PussyCat Dolls lead singer Nicole Scherzinger having a good time at the beach. She makes the beach even hotter. I won't hesitate if she ask me to apply sunblock on her beautiful sexy body. lol!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Braless Meagan Fox Photos
Lead star Meagan Fox of Transformers went braless when they promotes Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen at the Sony Center Cinestar in Berlin, Germany last June 14. She's really hot and sexy with that red long dress.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Carla Abellana photo - the Pinay Rosalinda
Wondering if who is that sexy hot lady going to portray Rosalinda, I didn't waste anytime searching it on the internet. I found out that she is Carla Abellana, also a commercial model. She's beautifull and looks like Marian Rivera. Hope she can give justice to the character Rosalinda.

Images via [Carla blog]